Para aqueles que já viram os filmes "
Babel", "
21 Gramas" e "
Diários de motocicleta" e admiraram a excelente trilha sonora presente nos mesmos, saibam que boa parte das músicas presentes nessas trilhas sonoras tem o dedilhar de violão de Gustavo Santaolalla. Vale muito a pena conferir o trabalho desse excelente músico.
While enjoying my favorite online radio, Radio Paradise, I got admired by a particular song, which I found out later to be a song of the Argentinian musician Gustavo Santaolalla (see photo above). For those who have already watched the movies "
Babel", "21 Grams", and "The motorcycle diaries" and enjoyed their soundtrack, it is worth of saying that most of those songs have the intense plucking of strings of Gustavo Santaolalla's fingers. My advice is to not miss the chance of listening the music of this excelent musician.
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